Their eyes, by contrast, are uniformly black, with no apparent pupils.
They are uniformly black, with a bright orange or red belly.
The adult is uniformly black above, with yellow neck sides.
The red glow had left the clouds, and there were no stars or moon in the uniformly black sky.
Her hair was still uniformly black, but her face had a few more lines than the anagathics should have allowed for.
This pattern is clearly visible in young specimens, while older ones are dark or even uniformly black.
Furthermore, the black areas of horses that are not uniformly black may be subject to the same fading effects.
They are uniformly black, as is the big banana on the floor, which you come across towards the end of the exhibition.
They sat with expression- less faces, watching him from eyes that were uniformly black.
A course that examines the uniformly black soul of the studio executive.