The sound was also criticised, with GameSpot calling it "uniformly poor".
By chance, watching a BBC programme (propaganda) on traffic police - the people stopped (and charged) were uniformly poor and seemingly uniformly unemployed.
Pay and conditions for both groups were uniformly poor, with debilitating illnesses common on the belaweed farms and fall fatalities high among the ledgefruit workers.
I wish I could remember the details of the food, but I can only say it was uniformly poor.
It should be noted that the film recording prints used are of a uniformly poor quality throughout this set.
On Earth, people had been almost uniformly poor, but surrounded by constant reminders of unattainable wealth.
These stories converge when the team goes to work in an inner-city school filled with black, Hispanic, immigrant and uniformly poor children, to serve as mentors, tutors and teachers' aides.
China's economic reforms have turned an almost uniformly poor nation into an increasingly prosperous one in the space of a mere generation.
But despite the almost uniformly poor portrayal in representations of the Crucifixion, a poor one is about as effective as a good one for most people.
"Quality in most areas of care was uniformly poor," said the authors of the study, which was financed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.