Sheeran saw what a positive unifying effect a team's success could have on a diverse student body.
Some feel this provided a further unifying effect for the crowd.
And then you have the unifying effect of having done tough things together that nobody saw, that nobody knows about.
Zoroastrianism lost its unifying effect as the state religion.
But with the full group not present, the challenge may have a divisive instead of a unifying effect.
Music, dance and art have unifying effect.
If we want the resolution to influence the foreign policy of the European Union then it must have a unifying effect.
The strike had a strong unifying effect on staff, bringing them together across race, class and employment category.
The election results were seen as having a unifying effect on reform parties that want to strengthen ties with Europe.
Apart from improving villagers' gardens, the Conservation Group has a unifying effect.