In their view, "opposition to Washington has succeeded opposition to Communism as the unifying focus for the right."
The unifying focus is on ecology, or more precisely the integration of humanity into nature.
Care is the essence of nursing and a distinct, dominant, and unifying focus.
The wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge last month gave British people a unifying focus.
These sacred kings and their subordinates assumed the exclusive right to interact with the gods, and kingship became the unifying focus of the religion.
And the uncertainty and concern of the minionette Torment: she had to safeguard this man, for he was the unifying focus of Life's effort.
The wind and percussion engage in brief dialogues, and near the end of the 12-minute work a solo violin line provides a unifying focus.
What is needed, Dr. Ewers said during a visit earlier this month, is for Pace University to develop a clear, unifying focus.
They added that "a market orientation appears to provide a unifying focus for the efforts and projects of individuals and departments within the organization."
While the unifying focus for each of Michelangelo's four slave figures lies in their thickly powerful torsos, Michelangelo gave each a distinct identity.