Rather than a principal's unilateral control, school policy is set by a steering committee made up of teachers, the principal and at least one parent.
Not since 1871, in the era of Boss Tweed himself, has the mayor had direct, unilateral control of the city's schools.
Business executives who have seen Washington's lists of proposed restrictions said they were concerned that unilateral controls would place broad restrictions on American companies.
Mr. Gejdenson's bill would allow such unilateral controls only for six months - too short a time for diplomacy to work.
The problem here is that Google can and will use its unilateral control over the code base to manipulate Android adopters.
God exercises relational power and not unilateral control.
Labor leaders have argued that giving The News what they consider unilateral control would break the unions.
"Persuasion" in the causal sense means that God does not exert unilateral control.
After the 1951 season ended, he gained unilateral control over the setting of a television strategy for the NFL.
Taillé did not enjoy unilateral control over the property's disposition; he could not sell it or transfer the title without permission of the trust.