There is a good chance the collective bargaining agreement will be reopened in April by the owners, who have the unilateral right to do so.
Among other things, the labels have the unilateral right to drop an artist at any time, but the artist has no freedom to walk away from a contract.
However it does include in it a strong implication of a unilateral right to withdraw.
However, once the crisis passes they are likely to be less effective as most people want power to be shared, not a unilateral right.
Polygamy is permitted for men, and men have a unilateral right to divorce their wives (talaq) without needing any legal justification.
After a selection, the franchise had the unilateral right to negotiate a contract with that player or the ability to trade that player to another team.
I fought to bring my own work back under my control, arguing that there exists a unilateral right to break the contract.
Men have a unilateral right to divorce their wives (talaq) without needing any legal justification.
But we have never asserted that we have a unilateral right to control this process.
This is not just about the Austrians' unilateral rights; the other 360 million citizens are also entitled to see Community law adhered to.