Due to the threat of being eliminated because of the proposed contraction, the agreement gives the Expos the right to unilaterally cancel the contract.
Dr. King cannot unilaterally cancel the grants, however: there must be a hearing, so there is still time for some kind of agreement to be reached.
When Aspen Skiing unilaterally canceled the agreement, its rival's revenues shriveled and the rival sued.
These measures included unilaterally cancelling the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold.
While these arguments have merit, Mr. Bush rightly counters that the weapons ought not to be canceled unilaterally.
Today the industry responded by unilaterally canceling the contracts, and the union threatened to strike.
In 2001, Belarus unilaterally canceled this agreement while Russia continued its duty-free exports.
By the summer of 1998, Vivendi was losing almost $3 million a month in the province, and it unilaterally canceled the contract.
It takes two to make peace; one side cannot unilaterally cancel the hatreds of 30 violent years.
Technically, the Mayor does not have the authority to unilaterally cancel the abatement without the Council's approval.