Iraq also claims that it unilaterally destroyed most of these materials the previous summer, in violation of resolution 687.
The Chechen delegation announced today that rebels would unilaterally destroy some of their heavy weapons to "show support" for Mr. Chernomyrdin's policies.
Instead, it is unilaterally destroying the legal basis for the balance of world power, the Antiballistic Missile Treaty, and provoking the rest of the world to a new arms race.
Biological Weapons Iraq claims to have produced, filled, deployed and unilaterally destroyed 25 al-Hussein missile warheads intended for biological weapons (BW) use.
To the Editor: "The Gaza Quagmire" (editorial, May 20) oversteps when it accuses Israel of carrying out a deliberate plan "to unilaterally destroy the Palestinian territory."
On the NYT op-ed page, former Reagan administration diplomat Paul H. Nitze argues that America should unilaterally destroy its nuclear weapons.
Iraq has declared that it produced about 8,500 liters of this biological warfare agent, which it states it unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991.
Can a husband in a divorce unilaterally destroy the couple's stockpile of frozen fertilized eggs?
Then Iraq has declared that it produced about 8 500 litres of anthrax, which it states it unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991.
"Any entry into the European Union unilaterally destroys equality between us," he said, "and then we would be finished here."