Just six months ago, Venezuela unilaterally raised royalty rates from 1 percent, a virtual tax holiday, to 16.6 percent on four heavy crude upgrading projects in the Orinoco Belt that were also approved during the 1990's.
QUESTION FROM W1MATHEWS: What are the risks of President Obama unilaterally raising the debt ceiling ?
October 16 - Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, and Qatar unilaterally raise posted prices by 17% to $3.65 per barrel and announce production cuts.
"The competitive situation is such that it can't get in the black by unilaterally raising its prices."
France reacted to this breach of the Red Line by launching the first significant air counter-attack, bringing new troops into Chad and unilaterally raising the defensive line to the 16th parallel.
He was noncommittal on whether the Council would impose an increase in the property tax, the only tax it has the authority to raise unilaterally.
Several states, including Michigan and Connecticut, have issued standstill orders prohibiting the Bell companies from unilaterally raising rates.
Four years ago, when she came to Jefferson as principal, Ms. Medley, unilaterally raised the school's academic standards for eligibility to play sports.
Mr. Petrin was recently on the verge of signing a deal for a joint venture in California that fell through only after the American partner unilaterally raised the cost of Martelli's investment.
Without an international agreement, unilaterally raising the emissions reduction target could threaten the competitiveness of our industry as well as growth and jobs in the European Union.