Vacations were something unknown to his relatives; a few coins to buy a cone of french fries, an almost unimaginable luxury.
For many people, the idea of rolling out of bed, putting on jeans and walking down the hall to work would be an unimaginable luxury.
It was a room of unimaginable luxury, high above the street, not like the room in the dream from which Shawme had awakened to flee.
After decades of such neglect, books and chalk, teaching and learning became unimaginable luxuries in most black schools.
These people already had everything a human could want--unimaginable luxury and power.
I judged that that would be an unimaginable luxury, heaven on earth.
And they can pay for it; hundreds of millions of ethnic Chinese now have the income to buy what once were unimaginable luxuries.
The vast majority simply use a bush or a quiet piece of ground, and for them toilet paper is an unimaginable luxury.
Now Mr. Rahman lives in what, for him, is nearly unimaginable luxury.
To travel between the two districts is to go from a world of unimaginable luxury to one of fear and poverty.