We should stop trying to scare people with unimaginable numbers and start talking about the real problem facing the country: a health care system that is broken.
As soon as I reached the house, I realized that they were attacking it in unimaginable numbers.
That is not an unimaginable number in itself, if you're thinking of simple, discrete units like dollars or grains of sand.
His daily interactions with the students and faculty reveal insight into an unimaginable number of topics: books, music, pop culture, art, history, and many more.
Jews are streaming out of the Soviet Union in numbers unimaginable just a few years ago.
Yet every nook and cranny on earth is still swarming with unimaginable numbers of simple bacteria.
"This is an unimaginable number," she said, because "$250,000 is more than seven times the average annual income in this country."
But this conflict claimed fatalities in an unimaginable number before we even knew it had begun.
It phases with an unimaginable number of other stations during its two-second cycle, and the center region resets your phase to the destination.
A roar like bees swarming in unimaginable numbers smothered even the sudden screams of the sailors.