It went on for an unimaginably long time.
To you, a one-hundred-and-fifty-year lease on this deal seems like an unimaginably long time, doesn't it?
It seemed an unimaginably long way away from my classroom.
Everyone will eventually be saved, though it may take an unimaginably long time for some (see universal reconciliation).
After all, they say, the universe should continue as it is for an unimaginably long time before either scenario occurs.
That is because, at its present rate, the universe should continue as it is for an unimaginably long time- 1 followed by 100 zeroes.
An unimaginably long time ago, when I was seven or eight, my hippy parents spent the summer in a commune in Alaska.
Something happened an unimaginably long time ago to separate them.
Aung San Suu Kyi has been kept in solitary confinement and under house arrest for an unimaginably long time.
They could sense that the hypnotic rhythm in which he moved was that of an unimaginably long journey.