It is an enthralling introduction to the mountain people of New Guinea - unimaginably remote, charming, cunning, cruel, subtle and appealing - and to their magnificent land.
In his 1726 novel Gulliver's Travels, Jonathon Swift placed Lilliput and Blefuscu near the unimaginably remote Nuyts Archipelago a hundred years after their discovery.
First, take the mega bank crisis, meant to be an unimaginably remote risk, but which happened.
I stood for a moment on the airy span, savoring for the last time the sensations of my embodiment, drawing deep of the air of that unimaginably remote age.
At some unimaginably remote period it had possessed them.
He gripped the dark sword Baerd had bought for him, holding it with the blade curving upwards as he had been taught in wintry morning lessons that seemed unimaginably remote from this night's happenings.
That lay around the rest of the Phosphoric Ocean, not as a boundary but as a shiningness unimaginably remote, within which the curve of the planet lost itself in its own vastness.
And once, in an unimaginably remote era, they were.
The woes of the morning, when he had bellowed out the pre-opening status of USX -formerly United States Steel - seemed unimaginably remote.
The stars we see in the sky at night are unimaginably remote.