It was a very unimpeded access that people had.
But for those with proper documentation there is unimpeded access through ports of entry like this one, and the wall will not stop that.
Under the cease-fire, inspectors were to have quick and unimpeded access.
When applied to the wrists, a bar keeps the arms spread away from the body, providing an unimpeded access to the subject's torso.
"What we are looking for is to have unimpeded access from one part of the retail complex to another," he said.
But officials are balking at giving international inspectors unimpeded access to the plant that will produce the nuclear fuel.
But it is balking at giving international inspectors unimpeded access to the nuclear fuel's production plant.
They are also discussing the opening up of public services and utilities in these countries, so that the multinationals will have unimpeded access.
They must be ensured unimpeded access to means of telecommunication.
Citizens must have easy and unimpeded access in the decision-making process to the influence and activity of interest representatives.