According to Lomborg, this discrepancy poses a problem, as it focuses public attention on relatively unimportant issues, while ignoring those that are paramount.
"For such an unimportant issue, I would prefer not--" "I'm esper-blind."
Under Stanley Ten, the Imperial Council had always been a center for lively debate, even on unimportant issues.
While trail surface types are a relatively unimportant issue with hikers, they may be an important issue with horses.
Anyway, an unimportant issue given the grand scheme of things.
After all, it is such an unimportant issue.
Progress was extremely limited and was confined to relatively unimportant issues.
Mr President, we do not need to waste time on unimportant issues.
Is this an unimportant issue?
But Mr. To, a 32-year-old university lecturer, said the legislature "wastes time debating unimportant issues."