An unimpressive result might also give new impetus to efforts to strip China of "most-favored-nation" trading benefits, which the Administration renewed in June.
He played in a number of chess tournaments between 1870 and 1895, usually with unimpressive results.
The start-up company, which was created to build the regional sports and recreation center, has so far posted unimpressive financial results.
The unimpressive retail results helped deflate stock prices on Wall Street yesterday.
A string of unimpressive results finally led to relegation in 1970 to the Amateurliga Nordbaden (III).
He was sacked on April 2010 following a string of unimpressive results that left Bellaria deep into the relegation playoff zone.
With the Blazers' season lost long ago, Telfair (9.1 points, 3.6 assists) has started the last three games with unimpressive results.
After a series of unimpressive results he was demoted back to the juryo division in July 1988 and promptly won the juryo championship.
Some in Congress and in the Bush and Reagan Administrations have faulted aid because of what they say are unimpressive results.
The unimpressive and lackluster results on election night has called into question the level of separatist support in Quebec.