Rothschild's lack of familiarity with evolutionary theory may not be obvious to uninformed readers--his book bristles with ostentatious footnotes and seemingly learned references.
An uninformed reader would never know that earlier writers - Machiavelli among them - had already treated some of the book's themes.
I doubt that any uninformed reader of these few pages would have a clear picture of this landscape.
It may not conform to contemporary views of the role of women, but it would give the uninformed reader a better understanding than your article, and countless others give.
Unfortunately, this key chapter fails to enlighten the uninformed reader.
I only bring it up because uninformed readers may walk away from the article with the impression that the options for a Mac user are more limited than they really are.
At this point the uninformed reader may be puzzled and might be inclined to ask--how does one stop evolution and make genetic changes?
Mr President, Madam Commissioner, the uninformed reader might well ask why we bother to present this report at all.
Instead, an uninformed reader will read her article and think that the author's son is a typical autistic teenager, when surely, he is not.