On uninhabited continents, some blazes continued to eat away at the forest.
You know about Equatoria, the uninhabited continent.
CHAPTER II It seemed desolate enough to have been the coast of an uninhabited continent.
Rotten Tomatoes suggests it is "a gorgeously made film tracking the explorer's legendary 1914 expedition to the icey, uninhabited continent."
"Ehrie'fvil is the name of a small, all but uninhabited continent located in Romulus's southern hemisphere," he said with the quiet confidence of an academic authority.
Dox was able to quickly stop the hostilities, however, and brokered a treaty allowing Blackfire and her people to settle on the uninhabited southern continent of Rann.
Eventually, they were forced to evacuate the planet and populated an uninhabited continent on Evath, hoping to evade detection in the process.
The tension between the Rannians and the Tamaranians was resolved by allowing the Tamaranians to live on Rann's uninhabited southern continent.
There are no longer any uninhabited continents, and migrants therefore look for places which they can physically reach.
Plus a contact team for Blaine's Mistake, to negotiate -colonization rights on the uninhabited continent.