Program A would provide essential health care to the eight million uninsured children in this country.
We know that 9 of 10 uninsured children live in families where at least one parent is working.
The number of uninsured children dropped 693,000, to 8.5 million.
There are nearly 12 million uninsured children in the country, government studies show.
Together, they have 29 percent of the nation's 11 million uninsured children.
He said at least half of that money would be spent on providing medical care to uninsured children.
In the last ten years the number of uninsured children has dropped by more than one third.
The number of uninsured children in Texas is among the nation's highest.
"The money does not have to be used to cover uninsured children," she said.
Every state now offers coverage for uninsured children at little or no cost, even if the parents are working.