Maine Rx is, in theory, open to any uninsured resident of the state, she said.
San Francisco officials announced a plan to provide health care to the city's estimated 82,000 uninsured residents, which includes 16,000 workers without insurance.
He said the health corporation, which is charged with serving the county's poor and uninsured residents, must also improve its image.
Inspired by the Massachusetts plan to cover all its uninsured residents, politicians in other states are talking about adopting similar plans.
Under the bill, uninsured residents will be required to pay for their insurance based on how much money they earn.
States with more uninsured residents and fewer resources might have trouble finding the money for a similar plan.
Many states have also taken on the expensive and seemingly intractable problem of covering uninsured residents, particularly children.
BUT the state still has more than three million uninsured residents, 600,000 of them children.
Rather than reduce the number of uninsured residents, the reform act made insurance unaffordable for more people.
Louisiana has consistently been among the states with large proportions of residents uninsured.