"As long as it's all right ..." Robinton said in an almost unintelligible murmur.
When we got close enough to hear the unintelligible murmur of conversation, she stopped and turned back toward me.
There was an unintelligible murmur in the background, and the voice returned to its original official tone.
The girl sighed and an unintelligible murmur escaped from her cold lips.
He tried to identify the words spoken inside, but the thick walls gave out only an unintelligible murmur.
Amir administered a shot of pain killer, and the cries had subsided to low, unintelligible murmurs.
Tephanis had moved as he spoke the words and Roddy heard only an unintelligible murmur.
He croaked an unintelligible murmur and showed Charlie a brief glimpse of his gun.
The priest responded in a low, unintelligible murmur.
Robinton said in an almost unintelligible murmur.