Since all forecasts of cases rely on case reports, even unintentional errors in reporting become magnified.
It was an unintentional error that was identified and corrected.
The lawyers said that the tax section in the partnership agreement was unclear and contained unintentional errors.
And he said that his submission of untrue information to House investigators was an unintentional error.
A full toss is frequently the result of an unintentional error made while attempting to bowl a yorker.
To the contrary, evidence shows that unintentional, human error occurred during the initial public records request.
The administration has tried to depict the budget presentation as an isolated, unintentional error.
"However, she does not for a moment believe the use of her pictures was the product of unintentional error."
The saloon is almost like a Mercedes at the back, which might not be an unintentional error.
This may also speed up the processing and reduce unintentional human errors.