Democracy takes a form of dialogue, consultation and discussions that are insured through uninterrupted access to the highest authorities.
Stage management was needed during a 'take' to give soloists uninterrupted access.
They had immobilised Tanya Paine in order to have uninterrupted access to the phones for an hour and a half -or as long as it took.
Allowing users to have uninterrupted access to their data and applications.
The Empire exterminated them so as to have uninterrupted access to the metal trees.
Although we will do our best to provide constant, uninterrupted access to the Guardian Site, we do not guarantee this.
Moving the road would allow uninterrupted access to the riverfront from a large park.
We are working closely with this supplier to restore uninterrupted access to DOXIL as quickly as possible.
Ensure uninterrupted access to essential medicines of assured quality.
But what if what the users were missing was more primitive and insidious than uninterrupted access to information?