The waves and lotuses most likely send forth an important wish for the uninterrupted rule of the dynasty.
This led to the end of the uninterrupted rule of congress over India.
When a civilian government took office here in 1986 after three decades of almost uninterrupted military rule, it appeared to close a bloody chapter in Guatemala's history.
The Likud victory ended 29 years of uninterrupted rule by Labor and its predecessors and began an era of hotly contested parliamentary democracy.
This is the party's 40th year of uninterrupted rule.
It has entered the 53rd year of uninterrupted rule, and has 66 million members.
After 38 years of uninterrupted rule, his son Faure assumed the presidency.
CHAPTER 11 Quiet and solitude were destined to hold uninterrupted rule no longer, beneath the roof that sheltered the child.
Elected president, 2000, ending 71 years of uninterrupted rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party.
Due to the almost uninterrupted rule of the Calvinist-dominated separatists, most of the population of the northern provinces became converted to Protestantism over the next decades.