In order to be recognised by the Officer, a union must first apply to be listed - a simple paper process, costing £150.
He complained that the union was applying a double standard by allowing Cyprus to join but making resolution of the issue a prerequisite to Turkey's membership.
The union must apply to the court no more than eight weeks after the date of the ballot.
The union has applied to open an elementary school, starting with kindergarten and first grade, in Brooklyn this September.
The union applied under the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act to establish a dispute resolution board.
Employers themselves had dictated the old rules for the struggle, but after Leadville the union no longer believed those rules applied.
If this was done, then the union of the two sets of restrictions would apply to the combined work, thus unacceptable restrictions could be added.
The union applied only to the professional footballers - the junior sides of both teams carried on as part of their original clubs.
Then, after three months, the union can apply to the court to have the checkoff reinstated.
The union has applied to represent workers in a third Saskatchewan city, Moose Jaw, even though it has yet to sign a single member there.