With no collective-bargaining agreement, the union has asserted, those three restraints would no longer be legal.
The union asserted that it did not offer the employee any job until after the votes were counted.
The union asserts that employers often manipulate and intimidate workers into voting against unionizing.
The unions asserted that selling the shuttle would leave Eastern weakened.
But the utility workers' union asserted that no more than 25 percent of the country had power at any time yesterday.
As layoffs nonetheless continued, the union asserted that the committee was a rubber stamp and threatened to quit.
The Mexican workers who met with the Americans, the union asserts, were dismissed.
The court concluded the union had falsely asserted that the Met shared responsibility for how the food-service workers were treated.
The union also asserted that Iraq was preparing to bomb the city with fixed-wing airplanes.
The union asserted that this included undocumented workers.