Almost immediately upon passage in 1931, both unions and contractors expressed dissatisfaction with key components of the law.
Teachers' unions and some parent bodies have expressed concerns that the data is being used to formulate league tables of schools.
The union has expressed doubt about the league figures.
Early in the fall, both the city and the union expressed optimism about reaching a contract agreement.
Michael told the players the union had expressed no interest in their welfare until it behooved the union to do so.
Unofficially the three unions already expressed different views about that law.
But several major unions expressed opposition, saying it was too early to give up on bargaining after only a few preliminary sessions with each union.
In interviews and written statements, the unions expressed surprise and outrage at the decision.
Especially now that several unions are expressing their support, this is necessary.
The union does not express an opinion as to whether it thinks people should buy Blackstone stock when it becomes available.