The musicians' union objected and forced them to stop.
His frustration became evident through his growing extremist remarks, and in 1959, the union forced him to resign from its executive committee.
There should be a federal law that forbids unions to force members to pay for political activity.
And the coming economic union of Europe is forcing markets throughout the continent to drop trading barriers.
In the end, the union also forced Ford to jettison another big change, extending the life of the contract to six years.
The union then forces the other two companies to accept similar terms.
It was not immediately clear if the union could force member organizations to comply.
So she enlisted in the United Steelworkers' organizing drive, convinced that a union would force management to improve conditions.
But the unions forced the airline to back down from plans to cut 2,000 more jobs.
The union had not forced the mill owners to recognize it or obtained any of its economic demands.