The union also intends to ask Judge Kimmelman next week to allow the union officials to perform community service rather than go to jail, she said.
The union intends to negotiate with Ford and Chrysler based on a terms of the agreement reached with G.M.
Our union intends to support his efforts in this matter.
Specifies whether the union intends the industrial action to be 'continuous' or 'discontinuous'.
Mr. Hoffman said the union had always intended to go to arbitration after the negotiations broke down.
But the union intends to try again, Mr. Barnes said.
Gourdine said last night that Bennett was inaccurate and misleading in several instances, and that the union intended to rebut several of his charges today.
Armco's contracts expired on Saturday, but the union intends to keep working until talks can resume on Aug. 12.
Mr. Carey made it clear that his union intended to follow through on the warnings it had given to House members favoring the pact.
The union started out with R1 million of its own money, and intended to raise another R12 million through the sales of suites and life memberships.