Some legal codes may allow unions to place a set of obligations on their members, including the requirement to follow a majority decision in a strike vote.
Two years ago, the union placed nearly a quarter of all known mammal species and 11 percent of birds on the list.
So the unions place a day's stint upon their members, beyond which they are not permitted to go.
Last month, the union went to court and placed liens on the agency's $7.5 million in Medicaid and Medicare payments.
Few employers or unions place a high priority on benefits for cystic fibrosis, an inherited disease afflicting about 30,000 mostly young Americans.
Despite criticism from a relative handful of players about the testing program, the union has not placed a gag rule on its members.
While the union placed a tax on its latest wheat export, traders said that could change soon.
The union also placed automated phone calls and ran radio advertisements.
The unions place the cost at half that.
The union also placed an upbeat message on its emergency phone line regarding Ms. Herman's involvement.