The institute attempts to frame the issue by releasing a study which reinterpreted union strength in several states with different criteria.
There have, nevertheless, been some signs of union strength recently at the bargaining table and on the picket line.
The continued erosion of union strength across the country is no cause for joy.
Upshaw reiterated his call for union strength, saying, "The owners think if a couple of people trickle in, we'll all cross, and that's not going to happen.
Fewer union members with more protected benefits have stability and a secure future, but the smaller numbers reduce union strength.
Meanwhile, what is happening to the large companies that used to hire thousands, make large contributions to political parties, and provide the foundation of union strength?
In such a case, technical change, regional policy, the desire to undercut union strength, and a search for cheaper labour are inextricably interrelated.
The gap has widened partly because union strength has declined, and with it many of the higher-paying jobs once available to high school graduates.
In general the influence of politics in determining union strength in the US and other countries is contested.
The erosion of union strength has unleashed a chaotic and destructive competition throughout the industry.