Unison and the other unions will struggle to sell this nonsense to their members.
Throughout this period, the union also struggled over the issue of militancy.
Yet unions struggled to turn the national media coverage of the Wisconsin protests into electoral victories; the public may not be ready to support labour.
These are white-collar workers in an industry where unions have really been struggling.
Since most of its leaders were released from detention, the union has struggled to rebuild its cells at factories around the country.
While other unions struggled in the 1990's, the United Automobile Workers used its strength to win a long list of benefits.
Conveying a message that resonates with prospective members in the current environment is an issue "the unions are struggling to answer."
The union has struggled in retaining its traditional strength at plants owned by the major automakers.
The union faced with serious factional problems, with two major power struggles since its establishment in 2003.
"My union has struggled to make us into professional letter carriers," he said.