"To me, their tactics smack of the original union-busting tactics," said Jeffrey Warren, who said he now reads The Post.
Over 200 union employees walked off the job in defiance of what they viewed as union-busting tactics by the Times-Leader's new corporate owner, Capital Cities.
"Federal Express is notorious for its anti-union ideology, but there is no justification for Congress becoming an accomplice in its union-busting tactic," he said.
He called workfare "a union-busting tactic," noting that there were more than 100 workfare people in Harlem Hospital and other hospitals doing jobs once held by members of his union.
Without employer agreements, supporters contend, organizing drives would routinely fail in the face of union-busting tactics ranging from management harassment and intimidation to firing workers for involvement in union activities.
Two Federal appeals judges suggested today that business considerations and not union-busting tactics motivated Eastern Airlines' decision to lay off 4,000 workers.
Last month, Mr. Marmo's union began a national campaign to boycott Regal Cinemas, the third-largest movie-theater chain, for what the union says are union-busting tactics in the projection booth.
As he demonstrated in his union-busting tactics, he was also ruthless.
Leaders of the union, the Collegial Federation, said members were eager to make up any missed classes and characterized the pay penalties as needless and union-busting tactics.
Others passed out fliers warning of a strike and accusing Mr. Giuliani of "union-busting tactics."