These strong, favorable and unique associations can be mainly divided into two parts.
As the regiment has a unique association with the horse, it has a rich polo playing tradition.
Is it, as its leaders insist, a unique post-Vatican II association for the sanctification of laypeople through their work in the world?
Assemblage biozones are strata that contain a unique association of three or more taxa.
As mentioned above, Planck force has a unique association with the Planck mass.
Unleashed scenes from a thousand movies: each with its unique association.
A key to this combination is the unique association of emotionality with a social intelligence which has developed along somewhat different lines in man.
Thus, if a blind hole is to be created then an attribute must be defined which will provide a unique association between the hole and block.
"How early can we date the fundamental beliefs in Jesus' atonement, his resurrection, and his unique association with God?"
However, many readers may enjoy its unique associations and hypotheses.