American industrialization was facilitated by a unique confluence of geographical, social, and economic factors.
Ms. Minnelli's stardom is based on a unique confluence of talent and biography, persistence and collapse.
There is a unique confluence of belief that now is the time.
The true promise of genomic medicine lies in integrating biological knowledge with the ancient Hippocratic ideal of treating each patient as an individual, a unique confluence of heredity, environment and experience.
The early technological and industrial development in the United States was facilitated by a unique confluence of geographical, social, and economic factors.
This unique confluence of streams and natural wetlands was submerged and buried with sediment due to the construction of Searsville Dam and the siltation of the reservoir.
KCT Tech Park offers a unique confluence of advantages, not found elsewhere in comparable destinations in Coimbatore - robust and failsafe physical infrastructure, power & data connectivity and highly trained technical manpower.
American and European bankers said that while they were aware that South Korean companies were overextended, they thought it would require a unique confluence of events to transform Asia's economic problems into a full-blown disaster.
Can this be extrapolated to other so-called "hot button" issues that the court wrestles with, or is this a unique confluence of time and place?
But this time, a unique confluence of events has created new openings for success.