I want to keep Maryland a part of England, but only if we retain the right to our unique development.
It is not known how long this phase lasted, but it appears to have been a unique development.
The cross-in-square church may be said to constitute a unique artistic development of the middle Byzantine period.
This gain in lifetime documents a unique development in the history of mankind.
Marinovich's unique development led to growing media attention.
There was a development unique to Argentina which may help to explain, in retrospect, why the country would become a very important rock producing nation.
A number of other unique or unusual developments have taken place.
This has also enabled to house the threatened species of bats on the first floor of the power station, a unique development in Austria.
Brebeuf nurtures the sense of wonder in each student's unique development.
There was a unique development at Durocornovium in the 4th century.