Switzerland's ecosystems can be particularly fragile, because of the many delicate valleys separated by high mountains, often forming unique ecologies.
Having a unique ecology and biodiversity, it is considered an important national natural resource.
Because this forest remained pristine for so long, it has a unique ecology.
And that destroyed a unique planetary ecology.
These regions are called Gear Forests, vast engine-rooms that have developed their own unique ecology.
Starting in 1998, land protection efforts have focused on nine "heartlands" with unique ecologies, most of which span international boundaries.
The result of the Red Desert's unique ecology is that wildlife is varied.
The unique ecology of the islands has since then come under threat from these and other exotic species.
When humans arrived in New Zealand about 700 years ago this unique and unusual ecology became endangered.
Conservation and environmental management plan for safeguarding this unique coastal ecology and ecosystem is urgently required.