In the late 80's James hooked up with noted actor Harry Dean Stanton to form a unique musical ensemble which performed until the year 2000.
The Met is a pretty unique ensemble.
His music has been on 4 Oscar nominated films and he has a signature sound that translates from orchestras to small unique ensembles.
The complex has been referred to as a unique architectural ensemble.
He found new contexts for presentation, creating unique musical ensembles.
Contrast increased and two deep wells which, together with over 20 underground lakes, form a unique ensemble created by nature.
The University is located in 5 academic buildings that make up the unique ensemble of buildings; the total area is 41 323 m2.
Sortisatio is today one of the most unique ensembles in Germany.
The contents also form a unique ensemble of Victorian taste.
Trio Bolero, a unique ensemble of two guitars and one cello.