Ghantasala was a master & peerless at padyam renderings, a unique genre in the Telugu films.
But in Birbhum the existence of this unique genre is being threatened by the rising popularity of cinema and television.
The stories were often challenging, thought-provoking, and entertaining in the ways that make SF a unique genre.
Mr. Cage is a specialist in a unique genre - the living nightmare comedy - even though he is no longer as grand an actor.
The library has over 80+ unique genres, and over 150 concept albums.
Community cookbooks (also known as compiled, regional, charitable, and fund-raising cookbooks) are a unique genre of culinary literature.
Due out next summer from Baen Books, Gingrich calls it "historical science fiction - a very unique genre."
As we have actively grown over the past forty years, Canyon has chronicled the history of this unique genre on an international level.
In time many wartime historical songs became war ballads, a unique genre all its own, which is alive and well to this day.
Puzzle/Family video games fall into a unique genre that often incorporates educational modes into the gameplay.