This makes them uniquely suitable for investigations into the actual mechanisms of siderite concretion formation.
By avoiding oxidation, grain growth and recrystallization, phase changes, and thermal stresses, this technology is uniquely suitable for depositing a range of temperature-sensitive and advanced materials.
Andrée assured the audience that Arctic summer weather was uniquely suitable for ballooning.
It was therefore necessary to locate another, uniquely suitable, and impregnable prison for Tiberius.
What is needed are products and services uniquely suitable for cyberspace.
With steady winds and plenty of space, Porto Heli is uniquely suitable for novices to learn by doing, and the perfect place for intermediates to develop performance sailing skills.
Due to its uniquely suitable environment, biologists estimate that a fifth of all Pacific salmon originates in Kamchatka.
Aboyne has become extremely popular with gliding enthusiasts from all over Britain and Europe due to its uniquely suitable air currents (due to the surrounding terrain).
The site was later chosen for the Telstar project in 1962; its rocky foundations, clear atmosphere and extreme southerly location being uniquely suitable.
It has an exemplary lucidity and wit, making it unique among Kant's greater works and uniquely suitable as a textbook of the Kantian philosophy.