During the spring, the unit assembled at Monmouth County, New Jersey.
The unit assembled at Dachsenhausen, which was the limit of the divisions advance.
While the unit assembled at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a ninth company was added.
All over the drop and landing zones, where 5,191 men of the division had arrived safely, units were assembling, forming up and moving out.
When all 68 units had assembled, we received the final departure order.
Three days later, all the units were assembling in a state park near Lansing.
Consequently, the units in this list have been assemble considering only those as having a uniquely different cap badge.
From 1921 to 1942 the division remained on the Massachusetts organized reserve rolls, though the unit did not assemble except for regular weekend training.
Cross-Country Recoveries Most of the injured find themselves back on the base where their unit first assembled before going overseas.
The unit, headed by Justice Department lawyers, is assembling an investigative team that will include some two dozen Federal agents.