After the Soviets captured the city, the corps broke up and individual units attempted to break out to the American forces to the west.
Soviet units attempted to swing north, but were reached by the news that the main Soviet forces had been defeated near Warsaw.
Some units whose members had become separated during the climb attempted to regroup so they could descend together.
The unit was attempting to cross the Vistula River.
Polish units, slower than the Swedish ships, did not attempt to pursue them.
The unit, his most troublesome sore spot, must attempt to halt the Bucs' puissant pass rush.
Other units may attempt to steal the guidon to demoralize or antagonize the unit.
This unit intercepted and attempted to decipher the Japanese military code messages.
The unit is attempting to procure a piece of land for the present pupils for games like volleyball and basketball.
All other units, do not approach the aircraft, do not attempt to block him or intervene or even look threatening.