At its largest, the unit comprised 200 to 300 men and approximately 50 aircraft.
The unit, comprising some 90 carefully chosen young officers, began to come together about three years ago, officials said.
By August 1920 the units comprising the front numbered some 90,000 men at arms.
The unit currently comprises 75% females, and the current commander is female.
Each main unit comprised two oleo legs and a single wheel.
The unit comprises eight squadrons: five flying, two maintenance, and one support.
The much-diminished unit comprised only 2 officers and 50 enlisted men in late December 1780.
The unit comprises 50 men divided into three sections (two operational, one headquarters).
The unit comprises the 10th, 16th and 21st Regiments.
Each unit comprises two common shares and one warrant exercisable at $4 a share.