Both engines are petrol-powered; a new, 83bhp, 1.2-litre unit and a 1.4 delivering 97bhhp, the latter also available with automatic transmission.
The spark unit used for starting can also deliver a substantial electrical shock.
The unit monitors the patient 24 hours a day and will automatically deliver a biphasic shock if needed.
These units can deliver a similar light output with reduced power consumption.
More specialised units can deliver pressures up to 25 or 30 cmHO.
This unit heats quickly and delivers a constant level of heat for perfect results.
The 5.1-litre unit delivered 70bhp at 2,400rpm and 180lb ft of torque at 2,000rpm.
First unit delivered on November 6, 2009.
The unit delivers excellent stereo sound, can be remotely controlled, and lists at $899.
This unit delivers an assortment of specialty features at a very reasonable price.