The ticket provides a stipulated number of travel-units; when these are exhausted the tourist purchases further units to fit his particular needs.
Indoor units with directional vents mount onto walls, suspended from ceilings, or fit into the ceiling.
This 16-valve unit fits the Family II block in all 1.6, 1.8 and two-litre forms.
This is how a representative unit fits together.
The units fit like a size-eleven foot in a size-nine shoe, but the shuttle flew.
This unit also fits on other Leader Class Animated figures, changing their voices as well.
The unit fits in a five inch cube and weighs about 5 pounds.
Finally, how is it that meaningful units fit together to compose complete sentences?
These standard units can "fit" any situation.
The £75 unit fits in the back of a PC and runs the fan down to its ideal operating speed for the ambient temperature.