At a third after eight exactly, the units opened fire.
The unit opened the right door of the MI-5 entrance on the first floor.
Dealers said the local unit opened at 3.6615/30 to the dollar from its close of 3.6665/80.
Both units opened in the summer of 2006 at the same address.
The unit opened in 1885, and its first brick building was in 1932.
The city has almost reached its goal of 1,400 units, with 1,200 units already opened.
When the unit first opened, it was able to occupy 16 pupils.
The unit will open the regular season without having worked together during training camp.
Even some naval units have opened fire on one another!
In the next 18 months, 1,500 residential units will open nearby, adding to the current downtown population of 3,000 people.