In the United Kingdom, these units often recruit through the use of "careers fairs" in areas of high unemployment.
Each fall, the unit recruits pipers from the entering freshman class, many of whom have never played the bagpipes.
The unit recruits from members of Malayan Railways and the State Railway of Sabah.
After the incident, all military units of the Black Sea Fleet recruited exclusively Russians.
The unit recruits a new officer named Hina Matsuzawa, who wishes to become a full-time detective.
The unit focused mainly on confidence-building activities, and primarily recruited people who had plenty of cultural and language skills, in addition to a "common sense" attitude.
Gen. Charles de Gaulle had insisted that the unit not recruit French citizens, while demanding that he control the agents.
The unit recruits primarily commissioned officers from units across the armed forces.
The unit also recruits commissioned officers from other military units which have to undergo a rigorous selection program and training, culminating in the "Eagle March".
Currently the unit is actively recruiting and training.