Sales of light trucks, which are often considered substitutes for cars, totaled 110,351 units, an increase of 13.2 percent.
In 1988 automobile exports totaled 576,134 units, of which 480,119 units (83.3 percent) were sent to the United States.
These units were part of the Troupes Spéciales du Levant and totaled about 3,000 men.
The units totaled 437 by the end of the 1941, comprising more than 7,200 personnel.
Car sales totaled 170,382 units and trucks totaled 94,206.
These four units totaled 3,500 men.
When combined these follicular units can total 5 to 8 hairs creating more significant results.
Three units totals nine rooms.
Ford sold 108,714 domestic vehicles, up six-tenths of a percent, with cars up 2.6 percent, totaling 66,691 units, and light trucks down 2.4 percent, totaling 42,023 units.
The agents work with three special units of the Thai police totaling nearly 100 men.