The ambassadors brought with them, besides other rich presents, a clock, the first that was seen in Europe, which excited universal admiration.
The pain you feel has nothing whatever to do with your hunger for universal admiration.
Nino lived another thirty years, rejecting all suitors and winning universal admiration for her fidelity to her husband's memory.
While most residents described the book as "a fun read," the novel has not inspired universal admiration.
I knew one about eight years of age, whose success at guessing in the game of 'even and odd' attracted universal admiration.
Its tenderness and flavour, size and cheapness, were the themes of universal admiration.
Whatever the reason, adults express almost universal admiration for the players and gratitude for what it has done for them.
Mrs. Pell was a very elegant and accomplished woman; her manners were the theme of universal admiration in our neighbourhood.
If he were a little spoilt by such universal, such eager admiration, who could wonder?
His methods and the playing style of his team did not win universal admiration, however.