You could develop a system of units around these universal constants, but again; it wouldn't really change the way physics calculations are carried out.
That was a universal constant of air raids, from everything Auerbach had seen and heard.
It was comforting to know that there were some universal constants, and chief engineers appeared to be one of them.
So, as I said, there are universal constants.
But the unfortunate thing about universal constants is that no one is spared.
To indicate their status, numerical values of universal constants are given to seven significant figures.
"Well, to be fair, there are other universal constants besides the male ego," said Shelby.
His new universal constant of nature, h, is now known as Planck's constant.
There are universal constants: every woman traveling solo is harassed in the same manner the world over.
That, universal constant of air raids, from everything Auerbach had see heard.